This Too Shall Pass

Among the most cliche-but-true sayings in the English language is the phrase, “this too shall pass.” However cliche it may be, it is, like I said, true. No matter what we face, there is always an ending. A resolution. A moment where we can look back and say “I survived it.” This too shall pass— but we have to exercise patience and perseverance until then.

Even pandemics come to an end

I’ve been seeing a lot of hopelessness lately around the current COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve felt that way myself at times, the whole “this will never end” downward spiral that sucks you in and holds you down. However, history shows us that even pandemics come to an end.

Take the 1918 flu pandemic, for example— coronaviruses and influenza strains are completely different viruses to be sure, but most infectious diseases follow a similar curve. That curve looks something like smaller, then larger, then smaller again “waves” of infection cresting over a period of 12 to 18 months (essentially, until herd immunity is achieved through max vaccination or through everyone in the susceptible population becoming infected and developing T-cells and antibodies against that particular virus.) The death toll from the 1918 flu pandemic was enormous— nearly fifty million people worldwide— but eventually, it did end. These things, no matter how horrible and senseless, don’t last forever. And that’s what we have to hold on to during times like this.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken innocent lives and livelihoods by the thousands. It is undeniably one of the greatest tragedies of our lifetime. It is scary. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel right now… but, I promise you (as Dr. Fauci did as well), this will end. Be it through scientific advancements like an effective treatment or vaccine, or through human collaboration in the form of mask-wearing and social distancing (the best-case scenarios, because I don’t want to think about the worst-case ones) this will end. We will see through to the other side of this… and somehow, we will repair and persevere.

It will get better— I promise.

Humans are incredibly resilient. It never fails to amaze me when I see or hear about humans coming together and living, loving, and thriving through even the most terrible situations. Although we shouldn’t have to suffer, and suffering isn’t some badge of honor we “earn” or should use to compare our respective individual struggles, we do have the assurance that eventually all suffering comes to an end— even in horrible, senseless situations like a global pandemic.

This is hard. This isn’t fun. This isn’t okay. But this is happening— and, one day, this will end. All we can decide is what we do until we come through to the other side.

Will we socially distance, wear masks, and (eventually) get vaccinated to protect ourselves and others? Or will we be part of the problem? The choice is ours, because one day this will end, but it’s on us to help one another muddle through until then.

Xoxo, MM.


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