What Ever Happened to Doing Things for the Good of the Whole?

In this post, I’m writing straight from the heart. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, a surge of selfishness and downright ugly behavior has reared its head, and it’s made me feel disheartened at best (and devastated at worst.) Let me explain—


When COVID-19 began, everyone seemed to understand the need to stay home and, in turn, save lives. However, as the pandemic has gone on (and become more “inconvenient” to people, I suppose) Americans have seemed to shift their perspective; stay at home orders ended, and masks were recommended, yet some people refuse to wear them. A vaccine may be around the corner, yet many are already refusing to get it (even if it would save thousands upon thousands of lives). So, I have to ask: what ever happening to doing things for the good of the whole?

I understand more than most that we have to take care of ourselves— it’s cliche, but you truly cannot pour from an empty vessel. However… would it really empty you to wear a mask in public? Would it empty you to get a vaccine once one is proven safe and effective? Unless you have a legitimate medical or religious reason not to vaccinate (which some people do), would it really empty you to do some research on vaccines, and discover that they’re overwhelmingly safe and, even when minor side-effects do occur, have saved millions of lives throughout the course of history?

I’m not perfect, and I’m not here to preach… but I have to ask: what ever happened to loving thy neighbor? I believe there is still so much good in the world, and that’s the hope I have to cling to, but it’s time we all reflect and ask ourselves what we could do for the good of the whole. What actions could we take to save even a single human life? Be it wearing a mask, washing our hands, vaccinating, etc., we should be looking out for one another. We understand the dangers of driving drunk, or a number of other things that potentially put others in harm’s way… so why don’t we understand this?

America, we have to do better. Period.

Xoxo, MM.


You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup


This Too Shall Pass