Am I Dealing with a Hormonal Imbalance? Tell-tale Signs You Might Be
This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for official medical advice and any formal diagnoses.
Lately, as in the last six months, my anxiety has been the worst it’s been in years. Everything is my life is going well— I’m generally happy. Alas, episodes of near debilitating anxiety and panic attacks have taken me backwards, I fear, and I’ve been scratching my head at what may be the underlying cause (and how I can find some relief).
I thought and thought, then I realized— a while ago, around early 2022, I switched up my birth control a bit. I began skipping the last few pills in my pack to avoid having PMS— but I’ve felt out of whack ever since. I’m still awaiting test results, but as nothing else has changed, I wanted to share with you all what it may feel like when your hormones get out of whack (or, imbalanced) and how you can find relief from common symptoms caused by hormonal issues.
Symptoms of hormonal imbalance
According to experts at Chapel Hill Gynecology, an estrogen-dominance driven imbalance can particularly cause the following symptoms:
Mood swings
Worsening PMS
Bloating and digestive issues
Weight loss or gain, unexplained
Hair loss
… and I’ve had all of these symptoms in recent months!
If you suspect you’re dealing with this, too, get your hormones checked with lab work by your trusted physician.
Treatments for hormone imbalance
Luckily, if an estrogen dominance (or any other hormonal imbalance, which can include thyroid disorders and more) is the culprit, there is help and treatment is available. Treatments include a wide variety of options, and the best course of action will be determined by your physician.
Anyhow, I hope you all always remember to advocate for yourselves and take your health seriously. If you suspect something is off, always get checked out by your doctor. I’ve been super vigilant about my health this year and I’m hoping my results narrow down options soon to aid in easing my anxiety and stomach symptoms. We got this.
Xoxo, MM.