A Love Letter to All Bodies (Ahead of Swimsuit Season)
As swimsuit season closes in on us all (i.e, as Memorial Day weekend creeps around the corner), it’s important to reiterate a few things:
For one, all bodies are good bodies.
All bodies are beach/summer/bikini bodies, if they’re on the beach, living in the summer, or wearing a bikini.
You don’t need to bust your butt to get “ready” for swimsuit season for anyone but yourself, and only if you want to and want to focus on feeling healthy enough to propel yourself through the warmer, more active months.
That said, let’s get into my love letter to all bodies:
All bodies are good bodies: a love letter
To my body— forgive me for the times I’ve used exercise as a way to “punish” you, instead of as a way to empower and strengthen you. Forgive me for the times I’ve treated food the same way; as a guilt-inducing shame-fest rather than a moment to enjoy, savor, celebrate our sense of taste, and power you through our day. Forgive me for the times I’ve spoken poorly about you, even after you survived a pandemic, months in lockdown, and other complete “shocks” to your system. Forgive me for all the times I’ve said you weren’t “swimsuit” or “summer ready”, despite you powering and propelling me through those warm days on the river or in the lake with strength and beauty. Forgive me for it all, and never let me take you for granted again, no matter what you “look” like. Remind me to focus on how you feel, and how you empower and enable me to live the life I want to live. Remind me, remind me, remind me.
Thankful for a healthy body that allows me to do my best, every day, even when my weight fluctuates. I’m strong, powerful, and capable in this body no matter its size or shape (which shifts and changes with time), and so are you.
And here’s to reminding all of you to do the same this “swimsuit season”— love your body, whatever shape or size, and thank it for its beauty, grace, and power this summer season as the days grow longer and you grow stronger.
Xoxo, MM.