Laser Facial Treatment Results: Clear Skin with Nordlys Ellipse IPL

Anyone who knows me knows that one of my life-long (well, since I was roughly 13, but it feels life-long) struggles has been with acne— yes, the dreaded, hormonal, bacterial, seemingly-for-no-reason acne. Most of us deal with it, but for many it goes away after puberty and adolescence subside (and adulthood comes into full force.) However, for some of us, acne persists well into adulthood, and that was my case.

So, what does one do when they’re no longer a 15 year old pleading to the Proactiv powers-that-be? You call a real dermatologist, and you devise a treatment plan. Luckily, since I’ve been in WV this year due to the new wave of digital nomadism spurred by COVID-19, I’ve been close by to Southern Wellness and Skin Center, and all I can say is, that place is the real deal.

Devising a treatment plan for adult acne

Upon visiting Southern Wellness and Skin Center, I was told by Tonia Daniels (RN, MSN, FNP-BC) that, in addition to a regimen of cleansing with Cerave gentle cleansing solution and applying topical Tretinoin cream every night, I would likely benefit from a Nordlys laser facial treatment regimen.

I was a bit skeptical at first— I was one of those “I’ve tried everything” people, after all— but boy oh boy, was I pleasantly surprised. The treatment consists of about four or five treatments with the Nordlys Ellipse IPL Laser (and mine will end with the more powerful, resurfacing Frax laser), and a few days after just one treatment I could see visible results.

Nordlys Ellipse IPL Laser Treatment results

In short, after only one treatment my skin was so smooth. My pores appeared smaller, and my acne scars had faded considerably. I was also getting new breakouts less often, and in general my skin tone looked more even.

After two treatments? Even better. After three and four? Well, see for yourself:


Yep. That’s me with no makeup on. I never, ever thought I’d feel comfortable sharing a no-makeup-selfie (because, yikes, that’s scary when you’ve dealt with chronic acne all your life!), but here we are. I haven’t even had my “final” treatment yet, and the results have already been mind-blowing.

If you struggle with adult acne I recommend calling a healthcare provider and scheduling an appointment today to learn if this treatment is right for you. It changed my skin (and kind of my life, as dramatic as that sounds), and I’m still in awe of how well it’s gone (and how simple the process has been!) In other words— if you’re curious about laser facial treatments, definitely look into it. It may be just the thing you need to rejuvenate and restore your skin’s surface and tone.

Xoxo, MM.


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