How Beyoncé’s “ALIEN SUPERSTAR” can Super-charge your Life

Recently, I wrote about the alien buzz going on in pop culture and the media, and what these “aliens” can teach us about self-care. It seems like Beyoncé, the Queen Bee herself, was ahead of the curve on this topic, penning the song “ALIEN SUPERSTAR” last summer and featuring it on her groundbreaking EDM meets Pop-RnB album, ‘Renaissance”.

I’ve been listening to this song a lot lately, and let me tell ya’— Beyoncé has it all figured out when it comes to living life as your most confident, authentic self.

What do I mean by that, and what does any of this have to do with the absolute banger of track “ALIEN SUPERSTAR”? Let me explain—

You’re “one of one”

The first lyrics Queen Bee sings (over a dance-pop beat that’s full of pizazz, in her signature sultry tone) are these words— “I’m one of one. I’m number one. I’m the only one.”

What can we draw from that? Well, pretty much everything. The foundation from which we build our life and our identity should be informed by this essential truth— there is only one “us”. You’re the only “you” that has ever, or will ever, exist— and that is your super power.

Not everyone is going to like you. Leave the people who are committed to misunderstanding you behind. You are you; you were born for a divine purpose; you are the only one that can be uniquely you. And in the grand scheme of a billions-of-years-old universe, and amongst the billions of genetic combinations that have ever or could ever exist, somehow, YOU are here. Isn’t that amazing? Know it. Internalize it. Use it. That comes first.

“Unique, that’s what you are”

To that point, and as the first verse continues, Beyoncé offers up another reminder that you’re unique. She sings, “Unique— it’s what you are. Stilettos kicking vintage crystal off the bar.”

Queen Bee’s signature flair is what makes her the iconic global superstar she is— and she’s letting you know that you, and your set of unique traits and abilities, makes you just as iconic.

Don’t believe me? Think about it this way— have you ever met someone that’s exactly like you, in every way? Who can do the things you can do, who’s experienced the things you’ve lived through? No, you have not. Perhaps you’ve come close, but you’re still the only one bringing your unique talents and set of circumstances to the table. Again, I say— USE IT. Own it. And, as Beyoncé would, flaunt it.

“Fire beneath your feet, music when you speak”

After the melodic-yet-punchy chorus loops a couple times, Beyoncé croons what I believe is the most powerful sentiment on the track— “Category— bad bitch.”

She follows this up with the lyrics, “Fire beneath your feet, music when you speak, you’re so unique,” and that, again, drives the point home. You can do anything you set your mind to, and no one on this planet can do it like you could— and THAT is what makes you, and me, and all of us a true alien superstar.

So, what’s your super power? What makes you, you? Let’s discuss,




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What can Aliens Teach us About Self Care?