Sunshine and the Modern Mind

Some say blue light and SAD lamps can mimic the effects of sunlight on our bodies and minds — but nothing compares to the real deal.

If you’re like me and you’d do just about anything to avoid the icy grip of seasonal depression over the winter months, you may have invested in a SAD lamp, or tried to manipulate blue light to keep yourself, well, energized and alive when the sun is seemingly nowhere to be found… but does any of that actually work?

Well, researchers are divided on the effectiveness of SAD lamps and the like, but one thing is for certain — nothing compares to the real deal.

So, why is it so important to get some actual sunshine in your daily life (and what can it do for the modern mind)? Let’s slap on some sunscreen (gotta protect that skin barrier, babes!) and dive in:

The benefits of sunlight on the body and mind

If you’re one of those folks who doesn’t like to go outside much, I have some bad news — you’re likely putting yourself at major risk for Vitamin D deficiency, as a lack of natural sun exposure is the leading cause of this critical vitamin deficit in many adults. Wondering what Vitamin D deficiency does to your body? Well, research continues to support the link between Vit. D deficiency and its contribution to many major illnesses, in addition to this lack of vitamin causing fatigue, muscle weakness, bone pain and beyond. So, if you want to get a natural boost of a very essential vitamin, make some time in your day to step out into the sun at least once a day (with your sunscreen on to protect your skin from excess UVR, of course).

In terms of the modern mind, how is our move to working primarily indoors (during almost, well, all of the daylight hours) affecting us? Well, it’s a mood killer, for one. If you’re stuck in the office all day long (and you aren’t making some time to sun yourself, even if only for 20 minutes a day), you’re likely losing out on some key opportunities for natural serotonin production. Often nicknamed the “happy chemical,” a healthy level of serotonin is essential to mental wellbeing and stability, and sunlight is a great, free and natural way to amplify your brain’s serotonin producing power. So, if you want a natural mood boost, sunlight is the easiest (and the most effective) solution.

If you get a moment today, it’s a good idea to step outside and soak up some sunlight. Your body and mind will thank you.




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