Our Bodies Change (And That’s Okay)
This will likely be a short, sweet, and vulnerable post about body image (so consider this a TW if you aren’t in the right headspace for discussions around body image right now— be gentle with yourself).
This past week, I’ve been on my period (which I’ve discussed before, as I exhibit symptoms of PMDD every time I menstruate which is, well, hell lol), and during this time-of-the-month I legitimately gain anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds. I used to be mortified at this change (and at my daily bodily weight fluctuations, which are NORMAL, in case you didn’t know!), especially when I’d read posts from “medical professionals” stating that people who menstruate should only “gain 2-4 pounds, on average, for a few days before (their) period starts”. Yikes. Why was my body fluctuating about 5 to 7 pounds, then, in the WEEK plus leading up to my period? What was wrong with me?
Well, after medical review and years of feeling discouraged, it turns out nothing is wrong with me. I do have signs of PMDD, yes, but I am in no way abnormal— and my body changing so much in the span of a week (then changing back sometimes, sometimes staying a bit higher weight-wise, etc.) is normal, and so is yours.
If you suspect something is seriously medically wrong, always get checked out, of course, to make sure you’re all good— but, if you’re like me and you’re a healthy human who just happens to be in a normal, human body that goes through normal, human bodily changes week over week or day over day, don’t stress over it. Our weight changes daily based on what are cells are up to (they work hard, y’all!), what are hormones are doing (but seriously, what are they doing sometimes lol?), what we’ve eaten or drank lately (because I know I always eat way more before my period, which is totally normal and actually needed during certain times in your body’s history), and a myriad of other factors we have little to no control over.
SO, TL;DR— our bodies change daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and that’s okay. Weight is not a measure of health— BMI is basically bunk— our bodies change and life goes on.
Be well, and love the skin you’re in (as cliche as it may sound), and don't sweat it (even if you have weird hot flashes on your period like I do, lol).
Xoxo, MM.