My Experience with a Restylane® Silk Lip Treatment

Hello, friends! The holidays have come and gone and I want to talk about my recent experience with Restylane® Silk lip fillers. Yes, lip fillers— it’s something I’ve wanted for a long time (I had pouty lips but my top lip was always much thinner than the bottom) and since my step-sister works in dermatology and has a lot of experience I decided to go for it! If anyone has been wondering what lip fillers are all about (and if they’re worth the money, etc) this post is for you. Let’s dive in.

Getting lip fillers— the treatment itself

To begin, I’ll cover the basics:

  • Where did you get your treatment done?

    My treatment was performed by Tonia Daniels RN, MSN, FNP-BC at Southern Wellness and Skin Center in Beckley, WV. They are highly professional and I would only go to them for anything, honestly.

  • Did it hurt?

    It didn’t hurt actually! Tonia and team used a topical numbing cream ~40 minutes before the procedure and, even though having needles stuck in your lips isn’t super comfortable either way (lol), it didn’t hurt at all. It was more “wow, my mouth is numb, this is odd” sensations than anything, which was fine!

  • Any immediate side-effects?

    Immediate side effects are, well, a numb mouth! Before the swelling after effect begins your mouth will feel numb and just a bit tender once feeling starts to return (in my experience.)

And now, let’s cover the rest:

  • What were the longer-term side effects?

    About ~12 hours after treatment the swelling began, and 24-36 hours after were the worst, I think. The swelling and pain were most intense then, and I essentially just looked like someone had punched me in the mouth and given me a fat lip (lol!) for a couple days.

  • When did they begin to look “normal” after swelling went down, etc?

    After the ~36 hour mark (with lots of icing them!) they could pass for normal with a bit of makeup to cover the bruising. After 48 hours they were about the same, and once we hit the 72 hour mark they started to look GREAT (as in: how I’d hoped they’d look) and had a natural, pouty look that wasn’t anything much exaggerated from how they were before; just a bit “enhanced,” so to speak.

  • What do they look like now?

Well, just take a look for yourself! ;) (I’m very happy with the “pouty” look I now have, which was a bit thinner before— see older posts for a good example, lol!)


  • Would you do it again?

    YES! Once this treatment fades (they only last 6 - 9 months, depending on how fast your body metabolizes them) I would consider getting them again.

Long story short, this was my individual experience with Restylane and I am, personally, really happy with my results. Please do not do something like this without consulting a medical professional, of course, which I am not (lol), and most of all— love yourself with or without any cosmetics. These were just the “cherry-on-top” for me, and I’m glad I did them, but life is all about loving yourself no matter what and doing what makes you feel good about yourself. So, here’s to self-love, having fun with cosmetics if you’re into that sort of thing, and not shaming anyone for any reason either way.

Xoxo, MM.


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