An Anxious Girly's Hacks to Dealing with Anxiety in the Office (Or Anywhere)

As all of you should know by now (since I use this blog to primarily talk about my mental health and ongoing battles with OCD, GAD and chronic depression), I have anxiety. Like, mad anxiety. I’m talking, “I’m-going-to-die” anxiety-- and it often comes at the worst, most inconvenient times.

Of course there’s never a convenient time to suffer from anxiety and panic symptoms, but you can bet your bottom dollar that some times are far more inconvenient than others. For example, when you start having a full-blown, “OMG” panic attack in the office.

Yep. Been there, done that, won the T-Shirt; however, throughout the years of working in corporate America and just so happening to be a life-long anxiety sufferer, I’ve developed some tips + tricks and found some handy hacks to help when my anxiety comes out to play at these most inconvenient of times. Let’s discuss--

Tools for quick anxiety relief

When anxiety strikes, remember it’s not the end of the world as you know it. It might feel that way, but anxiety is a liar (and a clever one at that). If you start to experience panic attack symptoms in the office (or any inconvenient place, public or not), here are some of my go-to hacks for quick relief:

  • CalmiGo. This little device has saved my metaphorical *ss on many occasions-- because it’s so simple to use, yet so effective. It’s drug-free, easy to use, and super compact so you can take and use it anywhere. It’s basically a breath-tracking device that helps you practice rhythmic breathing in order to calm your central nervous system. It’s a bit steep at first, but you only have to buy it once, and for me it’s been well worth the investment.

  • The Good Patch - Relax. These bad boys are tiny patches you can slap onto your wrist (or any veinous area on your body) and wear for up to 12 hours, and they provide some serious all-day relief when I need it most. Infused with Ashwagandha and L-Theanine, the Relax patch by The Good Patch always helps provide some consistent calm on days when I’m feeling particularly anxious.

  • Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that comes in many forms (and is one of the key ingredients in the patches I mentioned just before), and on my particularly anxiety-ridden days I opt to take it in capsule form. NOTE: NEVER, EVER take any supplements without discussing potential side effects and drug interactions with your doctor, first. 

Longer-term anxiety busting solutions

I must preface this by stating the obvious-- I am not a mental health professional, nor am I a doctor. I’m just a person sharing my own objective experience with my personal mental health struggles. Now, all that being said, here are some things that have helped me cope and experience more long-term relief from my worst anxiety symptoms:

  • Therapy. There’s nothing more cathartic than a good therapy session with a mental health professional you can truly trust. My current therapist is a life-saver. I recommend finding the right therapist and not just settling-- i.e., make sure it’s the right fit when entering a therapist/patient relationship-- because it truly makes all the difference. 

  • Medication. I’ve been on Prozac since I was 19, and my only regret is not opting to take it sooner. Seriously. It changed my life for the better. 

  • Exercise. I’ve spoken about this at-length, but study upon study shows that exercise (even just 30 minutes a day) can do wonders in easing anxiety symptoms over time. 

  • A good night’s sleep, nightly. Your brain can’t function optimally without optimal sleep! It’s that simple. Build out a better nighttime routine now, and you’ll thank yourself later. 

  • Building out a support system. For the love of all that is good-- let someone know you need help! It’s not embarrassing or shameful to say to someone, “I’m not doing so well right now,” and to build out a support system full of point-people you can go to when you’re in moments of need. In fact, that’s what humans are supposed to do for one another-- create and cultivate community to aid in one another’s survival. Period. Dot.

These are just some of the anxiety-busting tips I’ve built into my regular routine, but there are plenty others out there to try. It’s all about finding what works best for you, and sticking to a routine so you can ensure you’ll be able to cope when the dreaded anxiety moments come a’calling. 

Trust me-- if I can overcome this anxiety stuff, you can, too. There’s hope for anyone suffering, so don’t give up (and take care of yourselves.)  




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