Truly Beauty Cake Maker: Is It Really Like a BBL in a Bottle?

Up next on my list of product reviews is Truly Beauty’s ‘Cake Maker’ serum. Thanks to an Ulta gift card from my brother and his partner Jen (shoutout to them!) this Christmas, I recently purchased this product after reading some rave reviews.

Cake Maker claims to lift, tighten and firm up the skin on the thighs and buttocks, and some reviewers have even called it a “BBL in a bottle.” So, does Cake Maker serum live up to the hype? Let’s dive in—

My experience with Cake Maker serum by Truly Beauty

First of all, the smell of this serum is heavenly, and the texture is light, airy, and doesn’t leave a sticky or filmy finish once you’ve applied and rubbed it into the skin thoroughly. It also doesn’t burn or tingle (which some serums can induce, particularly on sensitive skin), and you can go right to bed or apply your clothing after it dries without it staining or sticking to anything.

That said, after about a week of use only my husband remarked that he could visibly see a difference in my thighs and bum. He could tell that something was visibly different, and remarked that my skin looked tighter and “perkier”— and as we know, husbands aren’t always the best at noticing this stuff (lol!), but hearing him say that reaffirmed what I already knew; this stuff actually works.

Of course it isn’t quite a “BBL in a bottle,” but it’s definitely a game-changer product. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants their bum to look tighter or more firm and “perky,” as it tightened and brightened my skin a lot and made me super happy with my thighs in a bikini (not that I wasn’t before, but they look a little more “glow-y” and the muscle definition shines through a bit more, now, which is nice!)

So, have you tried Cake Maker? Or any other products by Truly Beauty? Let’s discuss,

Xoxo, MM.


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