The Virtue of Kindness (In a Particularly Cruel World)
A few days ago I posted an Instagram story that said, “Are people super mean, or am I just an overly-sensitive Pisces?” … and I meant it. Sometimes I wonder if I’m being too sensitive— but I also know my feelings are valid. Sometimes people are genuinely being too harsh, too cruel— something that bothers me deeply.
If you’re an empathetic person and you feel the hurt of the world all too much at times, how can you guard your heart? How can you protect your own spirit and remember the virtue of kindness in a particularly cruel world? Well, here are some tips I like to use when I’m feeling like things are a little too rough and tough—
Tips to spread kindness in an unkind world
Most people are decent humans just trying to get by, and most people’s lives could be utterly transformed by just a few random gestures of kindness. I don’t believe most people seek to be a bad person— but maybe sometimes people lose their way, and need a reminder how transformative gentle, loving kindness (even in the smallest of forms) can be.
If you’re ready to spread kindness in an unkind world, try these tips:
Reach out to someone, randomly, with a kind word. Do you ever think of people you haven’t spoken to in a while? You’re probably thinking of them for a reason. And, either way, they’d probably love to know you thought of them. Reach out to that person, just say hi— it might make their day!
Compliment a stranger. Last week, I was walking around my neighborhood and saw a woman walking past me that looked absolutely gorgeous. So, I told her! I simply looked at her and said, “I love your outfit, you look amazing!”— and she lit up. She smiled, thanked me, and it made me feel glad that I’d stopped and let someone know they truly looked beautiful that day. Don’t just think compliments, vocalize them! Most people would enjoy hearing a kind word from a stranger every now and then.
Don’t be a troll. This is like the internet equivalent of, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” And it’s that simple. Instead of spending your time cyber-bullying or talking down to someone, just put your phone away. Scroll past things you don’t like. Don’t become a part of the online noise— it’s loud enough as it is.
These are just a few ways you can spread kindness that cost you nothing, and take mere moments to do. This is not at all an exhaustive list, but this might be a great start. So, how do you already kindness?
Let’s discuss,
Xoxo, MM.