The Lash Serum that Ended my Need to Get a Lift and Tint

Note: I am not a cosmetic professional, and this blog is not intended to be taken as personal beauty or personal hygiene/health advice. This post does not contain any affiliate links.

I’m not one to rant and rave about beauty products super publicly, because I’m a firm believer that (though some products/product lines are just categorically more “quality” than others) everyone’s skin/hair/body/etc. reacts differently to things. IMHO, finding a “favorite” beauty product is a really personal, trial-and-error ridden process.

However, I would be doing you all a disservice if I didn’t put you on to a beauty product that has actually saved me a ton of money and boosted my confidence in recent months, so I feel compelled to put this out there — the Advanced Eyelash Growth Serum by WeWell is the affordable, effective, and non-irritating eyelash serum I am begging you to try. Let me explain —

I’ve always had sparse, short and blonde eyelashes

Despite trying every “miracle” mascara in the book, my eyelashes have just never been that long, or that full, or that… frankly, visible at all. Sure, mascara gives them some tint (as my natural lashes are actually really light, blonde, and essentially transparent), but even with layers of eyelash primer and “boosting, miracle, WOW!” mascara (IYKYK), nothing really ever made them pop.

Fake eyelashes are incredibly tedious for someone like me (i.e., someone who is on the lazier side of the makeup routine spectrum), and eyelash extensions can quickly become just as tedious for someone like me who would likely be too lazy to properly care for them — maybe TMI, but at least I’m self-aware, right?

I eventually turned to lash lifts and tinting, which was great (and which I’d still posit as a solution for those looking into it), but needed to be done at least every six weeks, and can cost a decent amount of $$$ once you get into the habit.

Fortunately, after all that trial and error, I turned to the internet (as one does), and I finally found a solution that makes my natural lashes pop that requires a super minimal amount of effort — the Advanced Eyelash Growth Serum by WeWell that I espoused before. But, how exactly does this product work, and how well did it work for me in the end?

This eyelash growth serum actually works (and I no longer need to constantly get a lash lift)

According to WeWell’s website, The Advanced Eyelash Growth Serum is “Infused with cutting-edge ingredients renowned for their gentleness and soothing properties” and is “meticulously crafted to stimulate lash growth, amplifying both length and thickness.” They also state that this product was made for “Delving deep into the lash follicles, the serum’s potent blend nurtures lashes at their roots.”

Containing gentle ingredients that don’t irritate the eye (seriously, I have super dry/allergy-prone eyes and wear contacts daily, and I’ve never had an issue), this product can be placed directly on the lash-line with the small brush-on tool, and that’s literally all you have to do. I saw results in about a week with consistent use, and now after around 6 weeks of use I’d say my eyelashes and much fuller, and at least half a centimeter longer than they were before (which doesn’t sound like much, but lashes are small, y’all, and every little bit counts).

I recommend not passing on this product, and feel free to email or DM me if you have any questions, comments, or other beauty products you’d like to see me try and promote! Check out the photos below to see what my eyelashes looked like this very morning (after about ~7 weeks of serum use), and stay tuned for more of my current beauty faves on Miranda Muses:




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