Positive Phrases to Use Instead of…

Okay, we’ve all done this-- woke up and said something like, “Ugh, I’m dead,” or, “I’m such a dumb b*tch.” Like this Poosh article points out, these phrases can be funny, metaphorical (if not exaggerated) ways to express our emotions in a moment, but words have real power-- and that’s the rub.

Our brains literally can’t tell the difference between something we think and something that’s real-- did you know that? Yep. When my therapist dropped this truth bomb on me I was *shook* (to say the least), because, like, damn-- have I really just been playing myself this entire time when I tell myself I can’t do something, or that I’m not good enough, or I’m too tired, etc. etc. etc?

Turns out, maybe I have been. And maybe you have been, too! And that’s okay, but once we know better, we have to do better. So, next time you find yourself practicing (even playful) negative self talk, here are some phrases to break it up with, instead.

Positive self-talk to break up all the noise

Next time you find yourself saying the phrase on the left, try switching it up to the phrase on the right:

  • “I’m dead” - “I’m doing my best”

  • “I’m so dumb” - “I’m learning as I go”

  • “I hate my (insert body part here)” - “My body does so much for me”

  • “Everything sucks” - “Everything is going to work out for me”

… so on and so forth. This small change in our language can alter our entire perspective, and that’s what it’s all about. Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but we can stop being our own worst critics and give ourselves a little more grace (because we deserve the same compassion we give others.)




Four Aesthetic Looks for Summer


You’re Doing Your Best— and That’s What Matters Most