A (Sort of) Bougie Birthday Weekend

Okay, so, the title of this post is mostly a joke, but it was hard to not feel a little like royalty with my family and friends spoiling me so much this birthday weekend. Let’s dive right in to the deets, shall we?

My 25th birthday weekend: what we did

The weekend kicked off with family (who’ve been vaccinated now— yay!) baking me a cake, getting me some adorable “25” foil balloons, and the most thoughtful cards. I was particularly touched at the cards both my mom and step-dad as well as my dad and step-mom got me, which were super emotional and hard-hitting in terms of content (yes, we’re big card people so we actually read them and pay a lot of attention to the messages inside; words are important, y’all!)

Then, on my actual birthday (Saturday, March 6th) Andrew and I partook in a stay-cation with our #quaranteam at The Greenbrier Resort in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. That’s when the fun, bougie-on-a-budget atmosphere really kicked in, with a fun dip in the pool, a Gucci themed birthday cake, and bottles of bubbly (of course!)

Bad and bougie with my quaranteam ladies for my 25th!

Bad and bougie with my quaranteam ladies for my 25th!

What I wore

It wouldn’t be a #bougie birthday without a special outfit the occasion, so I wore the one and only nice clothing item I’ve ever purchased for myself: a Gucci bodysuit/swimsuit that I treated myself with a couple months ago, but decided to save for this special day!

So, that’s the long and short of it, but I definitely felt like a queen on my 25th birthday and I’m so thankful for all the calls, texts, messages and more I received that just added to my special day! I’m so lucky to have so many awesome people in my life and on my team; I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

Until next birthday (and hoping for many, many more),

Xoxo, MM.


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