Announcing My New YouTube Channel, Featuring “Miranda Muses Minute” and More!

Hey everyone!

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who’s gone on this blogging/journaling/online chronicling journey thus far. I’ve had a couple thousand unique visits to this site in the last couple months and I’m beyond excited to learn that so many people want to read/engage with my content!

That said, I’m planning to expand my Miranda Muses brand and bring even more content to you all, via another medium: video! As a full-time writer (by profession) and part-time actor (as a side-gig), my new YouTube channel will reflect not only content I’m writing here on, but also acting content, literature content, and other English Major-esque study guides and analyses (which I’m thinking I’ll call “Miranda Muses Minutes”!), and beyond.

You can learn more by visiting my channel here. It’s still in the process of being built + new videos being created and uploaded, so bare with me as I get this ball rolling.

Again, thank you all for the constant support and I can’t wait to share my new video content with you all!

(Myself, courtesy of Thomas Pudder Photography, ca. August 2020)

(Myself, courtesy of Thomas Pudder Photography, ca. August 2020)

Xoxo, MM.


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